Erik L. Arneson, Ordained Minister - Pricing
<div class="main" align="center"> <img alt="Rev. Erik L. Arneson" width="150" height="149" src="reverik.jpg" /><br /> <div id="address"> P.O. Box 42672<br /> Portland, OR 97242<br /> (541) 291-9776<br /> pymander<at> </div> </div>
I offer a number of packages that range from a simple, quick ceremony to a full-service ceremony with a completely customized wedding script. Travel inside the Portland metro area is typically included.
Last-Minute Wedding - $195
A short, pre-written ceremony in Portland with the couple and two witnesses.
No consultation is required and I will take care of filing your license with the county. This wedding includes a 10-mile round trip.
Full Service - $395
This includes a fully customized ceremony, a consultation, and a 50-mile round trip. Additional travel is negotiable.
I also take care of filing your license with the county.
Full Budget Wedding - $295
If you're willing to have your wedding on a non-peak day, I'll happily give you the Full Budget Wedding pricing! Peak days are Saturdays throughout the summer, so lots of non-peak days are available.
The Full Budget Wedding includes everything the Full Service wedding does, including filing your license with the county.